Barcelona · Església de Sant Felip Neri · V Temporada de Música Antiga
Plaça de Sant Felip Neri 5
Venta de entradas · Reservas: 673815799 

Messiah · Georg Friedrich Händel

Georg Friedrich Händel (1685-1759)


Cor Madrigal · Orquestra Barroca Catalana

Marta Matheu, soprano

Roger Padullés, tenor

Pau Bordas, bajo

Pere Lluís Biosca, dirección

Primera part

Simfonia (ouverture) Grave – Allegro moderato

Recitatiu accompagnato: Confort ye my people (tenor)

Air: Ev’ry valley shall be exalted (tenor)

Chorus: And the glory of the Lord

Recitatiu: Thus said the Lord (baix)

Chorus: And he shall purify

Chorus: For unto us a child is born

Pifa (Pastoral)

Recitatiu: There were sheperds abiding in the field (soprano)

Recitatiu accompagnato: And, lo, the angel of the Lord com upon them (soprano)

Recitatiu: And the angel said unto them (soprano)

Recitatiu accompagnato: And suddenly there was with the angel (soprano)

Chorus: Glory to God

Air: Rejoice gratly, Odaughter of Zion (soprano)

Chorus: His yoke is easy

Segona part

Chorus: Surely he hath born our griefs

Chorus: And with his stripes weare healed

Chorus: All we like sheep have gone astray

Recitatiu accompagnato: He was cut off out of the land of the living (tenor)

Air: But thou didst not leave his soul in hell (tenor)

Chorus: The Lord gave the word

Air: How beautiful are the feet (soprano)

Air: Why do the nations so furiously rage together? (baix)

Chorus: Let us breack their bonds asunder

Recitatiu: He that dwelleth in heaven (tenor)

Air: Thou shalt break them (tenor)

Chorus: Hallelujah

Tercera part

Chorus: Since by man came death

Recitatiu Accompagnato: Behold, I tell you a mystery (baix)

Air: The trumpet shall sound (baix)

Air: If God be for us (soprano)

Chorus: Worthy is the Lamb that was slain – Amen