Musical director: Santi Aubert Vayreda

The Orchestra Barroca Catalana was born in 1993 with the purpose of disseminating and rediscovering ancient music of the XVII and XVIII Centuries through its performances of instrumental, opera and religious music.

Our classical and baroque programs are tailored to each artistic proposal. All performances are truly inspired by the style and musical interpretation of that period. For that reason, we are used to collaborate with distinguished directors and soloist that match perfectly with each program offered.

In 2016 we have started doing our own programs in the Oratory of Sant Felip Neri with the aim of proposing a combination of particular music of well-known composers with unpublished repertoire of catalan musicians of the XVIII Century.

The orchestra has collaborated with numerous choirs due to its large experience of vocal repertoire. Many directors and soloists have helped to our development as musicians. As a result, we acquired our personal style recognized by the audience.

We would like to highlight Rüdiger Lotter, Manfredo Kraemer, Hiro Kurosaki, Daniel Reuss, Karl Friedric Beringer, Paul Dombrecht, Barry Sargent, Charles Limouse, Sergi Casademunt, Simon Carrington, Helmut Breuer, Jordi Casas Bayer and Manel Valdivieso as directors and Josep Borràs, Raquel Andueza, Marta Infante, Lidia Vinyes Curtis, Xavier Sabata, Jordi Domènech, Marta Matheu, Pau Bordas, Núria Rial, Enric Martinez Castignani, Gemma Coma Alabert, Elena Copons, Robert Expert, Michael Chance, Lluís Vilamajó, Lucy Crowe, Marianne Beate Kielland, David Wilson-Johnson and Thomas Walker as soloists.

From our repertoire, we aim to stand out Mass Alma redemptoris Mater, Fagot concert of Anselm Viola, Stabat Mater and Salve Regina of Josep and Manuel Pla, Magnificat, Sant Luke Passion and Sant Matthew Passion of Johann Sebastian Bach, Vespers of Claudio Monteverdi, Te Deum de M. A. Charpentier, Messiah of Georg Friedrich Handel, Requiem of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Nelson Mass of Franz Joseph Haydn and violin concert in D minor of Felix Mendelssohn.

Furthermore, compositions of Domènec Terradellas, Francesc Valls, Ferran Sor, Vicent Martín i Soler, Charles Desmazures, Alessandro Scarlatti, Angelo Ragazzi, Emanuele d’Astorga, Manuel and Josep Pla came alive thanks to performances of our orchestra.

In 2011 the Orchestra Barroca Catalana wins the prix of Enderrock Classica for its recording of the religious musical work of Josep and Manuel Pla for solo voice and orchestra.